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Admin Panel


The admin panel allows you to manage your MIND instance. It has multiple features regarding the management of your instance and it's users. You can change how users authenticate and create accounts, download the logs, change the hosting settings, add/edit/delete users, export and import the database and restart or shutdown the application.

Restrict Access

The panel gives you a lot of power, so it's important that nobody can access it but you (by changing the default password).

Accessing the panel

You can access the admin panel by logging into the admin account. The default username is admin and the default password is admin. How to change the password (which is strongly recommended) is described in the 'User Management' section.


The authentication settings are described on the 'Admin Settings' page.


The 'Logging Level' setting is for enabling debug logging. Only enable this when you encounter problems and need to share logs. Once enabled, all debug logs will go to a file. This file, containing all the debug logs, can be downloaded using the 'Download Debug Logs' button. Once the logging level is set back to Info, the debug logging to the file will be stopped. Once the logging level is set to Debug again, the file will be emptied and all debug logs will be put in it again. With this setup, you can enable debug logging, reproduce the error (which will be logged to the file), disable debug logging and download the log file. The file will then contain all relevant logs.


The hosting settings are described on the 'Admin Settings' page.

User Management

The admin panel allows you to manage the users on your instance. You can add new users, change the password of existing users and delete users. The ability to add users will always be there, regardless of the value of the 'Allow New Accounts' setting. If that setting is disabled (disallowing users to create accounts themselves), then the admin panel is the only place where new accounts can be made.

If the username field turns red while adding a new user, then the username is either already taken or is invalid.

Click on the pen icon to change the password of the user. This is useful if the user has forgotten their password. You can also change the password of the admin user this way, which is strongly recommended.


The 'Download Database' button allows you to download the complete MIND database. This file contains everything: all user accounts, their settings, notification services and reminders, and admin settings (authentication, hosting, etc.). This file represents a complete back-up of your MIND instance.

The admin panel offers the option to upload a database file to apply. There are multiple scenarios where you'd want to upload a database (import a backup):

  1. You can recover all data up to the point of database export in the case that something goes wrong.
  2. You can revert back to a stable state when trying something.
  3. You're moving to a new computer/instance and want to move all user data too.

Select the database file that you want to import for the 'Database File' input. Enabling the 'Keep Hosting Settings' option will copy the hosting settings from the current database over to the imported database. This will result in the instance being hosted with the same settings as it is now. If you leave this setting disabled, the hosting settings from the imported database will be used. That could result in the web-UI being hosted with different settings, potentially making it unreachable.

The uploaded file could be denied for multiple reasons:

  1. It is not an (sqlite) database file. Only import database files that you downloaded with the 'Download Database' button.
  2. The database file is too old. If the database is for such an old version of MIND, it could fail to migrate it.
  3. The database file is too new. If the database is for a newer version of MIND than the version that you upload it to, it get's denied.

After importing the database, MIND will restart with the new database in use. It is required to log into the admin panel within one minute in order to keep the newly imported database file. If you do not, the import will be reverted, MIND will restart again but now with the old database again. This is in order to protect you from breaking MIND if the database file is invalid or if the hosting settings make the UI unreachable (if you have the 'Keep Hosting Settings' option disabled).


You can use these buttons to restart or shutdown the application.